
What are the most common factors that cause mood swings?

At times we get tensed, frustrated, upset, exhausted for a very trivial, insignificant matter. These may be the signs of mood swings.

mood swings

What are the factors that cause mood swings?
Certain factors are hormonal imbalances, stress, unhealthy diet, irregular sleep pattern, thyroid, pregnancy, caffeine beverages, and alcohol.

mood swings

A sudden drastic change in life and also certain medications can all lead to a mood swing. These sudden fluctuations in mood weaken the capacity for clear thinking in life.

Also, understanding handling stress in life, all this becomes weakened. A person can’t be clear. A person’s vision is blurred that creates a problem.

So today, we will talk about a few effective techniques which would help manage mood swings.

One exposure to sunlight

Serotonin is a brain chemical that regulates our mood. If Serotonin levels are high, we are happy and cheerful. If the Serotonin level drops, we feel low and depressed. Exposing yourself to early sunrise helps increase the Serotonin level.

So, spend around 10 to 15 minutes in the morning sun. Soak in the goodness of early sun and gain all the benefits.

Gaze at green

Spaces have a therapeutic effect on the mind. It helps to prevent mood swings, stress problems, depression, and neurotic behavior. Step out in a garden or a balcony where lots of lands is there. Look out of the window, or stare at the greenery around. All these can have an immediate influence on mental wellbeing.

Keratin for mood

Keratin-rich food can help in the treatment of mood disorders. Carotenoids are antioxidants that give red, yellow, and Orange color to fruits and vegetables. It provides us with vitamin A. Pumpkin, peaches, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, and sweet potatoes are all high in keratin. Use them in your regular diet.

Induce in household chores

When you are experiencing mood swings, act quickly. Keep busy with your household chores. It would help to keep your thoughts occupied for some time. You won’t be influenced by your feelings. If you are focused on your tasks and hence you won’t take any wrong action.

Practice Reflection technique.

Reflection is a powerful technique that helps to strengthen your emotional quotient. So, it lessens your mood swings at night before going to bed. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes and rewind your day. Reflect on the day’s activities in chronological order. Just list the events in your mind without analyzing them or being judgmental about them. Practicing reflection techniques regularly can help you be aware of your mood changes and take preventive actions swiftly.

Do Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is an effective asana sequence that helps to regulate breathing during stress or anxiety. It relaxes the body by relieving tension, which is built up throughout the day.

The asanas combined in one cycle helps to bring balance both at the physical and mental levels. It helps to deal with mood fluctuations by balancing the left and right sides of the brain. It promotes emotional stability to control mood swings. You need to take a holistic approach. So remember, pay attention to your lifestyle habits.

Make the necessary changes such as switching to a healthy diet, following your sleep schedule, engaging in recreational activities, spending more time in nature, sharing your feelings, and understanding with whom are you sharing?

Share thoughts with a personality who himself is balanced. Who knows how to handle the ups and downs of life, who is happy within himself.

Such a person would help you to come back to your normal senses.

Mood swings will occur & it is bound to occur because life is full of stress, tension, anxiety. You have no control over situations.

So mood swings are bound to happen. Management of these moods swings should be done.

Follow all these things systematically and don’t do any mistakes in life to regret later on.

What do you think?

Written by Tathastu Buddy

A Public Relations & Lifestyle Services Company providing On-Demand Services for managing your Personal, Professional or Public life.
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