Having a sound knowledge of social ettiquetes not only help us have strong impression on others but also radiates the sense of strong self-esteem. When you respect yourself, you tend to respect others too. No matter how much they glorify funky carefree behaviour, old school manners and ettiquetes are still not old-fashion. It is relevant in today’s social scenario as well. It helps you to seamlesslessly adapt to various occassions and
situations and win hearts of those around. Though basics are taught in our home and school thoroughly, but as we grow up we need to learn and adapt to changing time and scenario. Every different social scenario demands a different set of ettiquetes from you. And knowing it all can be an overbearing task if done alone without guidance.

Keeping in view the importance of social ettiquetes in life, Vigour and Verve has brought for you the opportunity of learning social ettiquetes of all kinds for all the scenarios and occassions, under the guidance of experts. In its 21-day residential finishing school programme, Vigour and Verve will invite experts to inform you about all the intricate details of table manners, communication skills, body language, behavioural skills, etc that will act as a cherry on the cake on your persona. So Dont miss out the chance. Grab the opportunity and enroll now!