
Lessons and things that we learned from Lord Ram

Ram, a King of Ayodhya, a King who lived a fairly modest life. It didn’t show any miracles or Leela. It didn’t take credit for anything in life.

Ram, a King of Ayodhya, a King who lived a fairly modest life. It didn’t show any miracles or Leela. It didn’t take credit for anything in life. Yet he is worshipped as a role model. The ideal King and he’s looked up to after so many centuries.

Krishna, on the other hand, showed miracles and leelas at various stages of his life. His birth itself was a miracle. Many instances in Krishna’s life made him godly. He lifted a mountain on a little finger as a child killed all the Knights sent to him by his uncle and mesmerized Vrindavan with his Ras Leela.

But Ram, he never showed us any Lila.


Then why is he idolised as a God?

He didn’t use any aerial wahan or viman to go to Sri Lanka like other gods.

Does he go on foot?

Imagine from Ayodhya to Lanka on foot. Ram didn’t win the war single-handedly. He took the help of wanars. Other gods would have won it single-handedly with their powerful weapons. He was like a common man with the resource of a common man.

What makes him a godly personality then?

It is his qualities that inspire people. People of India relate themselves to him in all aspects of their life. Lord Ram was an ordinary man, but what he did only God can do.



Lord Ram resembles the possibilities similar to a common man. He is a perfect example of how to conduct life’s, various activities. He was an economist in all situations. samatvam balance.
Lord Ram kept Nyay Dharma as superlative. His main focus was always dharam. Dharam means responsibilities and duties.

Nyay for his Kingdom and every creature, some of his gunas or qualities we should remember always in our life and they are first righteousness.

Ram never lied or behaved in the wrong way. Responsibility was the fourth front of the Lord’s life. Understand this incident when Ram broke Shiva’s bow, he didn’t accept Sita immediately for the marriage.

He said it should be King Dashrat who would be deciding who should be his wife.
He only followed the order of his guru Rishi Vishwah Mitra.

Satisfaction, one guna which each one of us lacks nowadays. Satisfaction or Santosha. Ram was always satisfied with whatever he had and accepted it gracefully as a gift.


He was self-sufficient. But during vanvas he was satisfied, accepted his life away from his Kingdom. His Ayodhya his Kingdom was his right to rule. Yet he accepted vanvas happily.

This Ram’s attitude of letting go or vairagya and satisfaction contours contentment made Ram through mariyada purshottam.

Loyalty is another quality that we see in Ram that he never thought of any other woman than Sita throughout his life. During that era when Ram was there, Kings used to have many wives.


His father also had three wives, but Ram that time of marriage itself took a vrat which was a ek patni vrat total loyalty towards one wife. He followed that throughout his life.

kindness, compassion, Karuna. He was a kind soul who wished well for every creature on Earth, not just his Kingdom. There is one incident in Ramayana where it is mentioned that Ravan sent two spies named Sugar and Charan to see how much his strength of the army and what Rama is good at.


These spies were caught by the Ram’s Army. When Vibhishan came there, Vibhishan recognized them and then he felt that they might face death now. But to his surprise, Ram was kind to them. Ram humbly spoke to them and then requested them to go.

Gratefulness Ram was always modest and alluring, and it was seen in the way that he was always grateful. After defeating Ravan, Ram wholeheartedly thanked vanars for their help.

Lord Ram also expressed that he was indebted to Lord Hanuman for his selfless service but nearing his death.


Lord Ram had mastery over all subjects. He knew Astra, weapons, being a kshatriya and the Shastras. The Vedas he does is right.

But it is described as a vidwan, he guided numerous people in their life to find their duties, their Dharma, and harmonize with nature and society.

Calmness Through many instances, Ram showed true calmness, balance, peace in his personality. Ravan was a learned Brahman himself. He was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva.


Ravan had pleaded with Lord Shiva by his devotion to an extent where Lord Shiva had bestowed Ravan with his Athma Linga. Even then Lord Ram is worshipped.

The only difference is that Ram ability to remain calm, balanced, composed even in the most fierce, most difficult situation. Lord Ram is said to have complete control over his emotions and that too anger, hate selflessness.

During the war when Ravan attacked, Ram was patient, far away from being angry. However, the moment Ravan attacked a Hanuman, Lord Ram started to fight with Ravan and was eventually defeated.

He never got angry. When he was abused. Ram only fought when his devotee or his Kingdom was hurt.


Radiance It is said that when Hanuman’s eyes fell on Ram’s face, Hanuman was shaken. His bones were melting. He felt goosebumps and tears of happiness and love started flowing through his eyes. This is the Tejas or the Radiance. Ram was full of love and Radiance.

He bestowed love and kindness to everyone irrespective of whether they had wronged him or not. We all have tragedies in our life and limitless problems. So Ram also had all this in his life, but he chose equanimity samatvam. Ram chose dharma above everything else.


We under difficult circumstances get so quickly agitated on a lifestyle we are always complaining somebody didn’t respond to our calls or somebody didn’t pay attention to us. Somebody didn’t appreciate our hard work and all such forms of incidences.

Either way, we are all walking waters of soda, wasting fizz or rather energy over all the minor aspects of our lives to be worshipped or to be God.

We do not need any form of magic. Being extraordinary in the ordinary by doing Dharma and being detached from the results makes us like Ram.


Note – Images taken from Google.

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Written by Tathastu Buddy

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