How do you consume milk?
Have you wondered if you are consuming milk in the wrong way?
Here is some way in which you can rectify those mistakes.
1) Concentration of milk-
As we grow, consume milk because it is easy to digest, very close to mothers’ milk and so that is most liked. After the human growth stops, the milk should be diluted into 1/4th proportion, that is 1/4th of water and the rest milk.
Around the age of 45-50,50% of milk should be diluted, at old age, milk should be diluted with 3/4th portion of water, so when you combine water.
Try to make water richer in minerals and vitamins by heating water with ginger, lemongrass, mint leaves, tulsi leaves, and this water could be combined in milk.
Cows milk is the most preferred.
2) Combination of milk and something else-
consuming milk in the form of a milkshake is a bad idea. Understand, bananas, mangoes, melons, and all the sour foods should never be mixed with milk or curd, this is because bananas, when blended with milk, will diminish the fire, agni in our system and this will cause sinusitis, cold cough, and various allergies.
Milk should not be mixed with sour, bitter, salty, and astringent tastes, when mixed with inappropriate tastes, milk becomes indigestible and produces more toxins in our body.
However warm milk could be consumed with the sweet taste of broken wheat like semolina lapsi like rice it could be mixed with dates raisins almonds etc.
If you wish to take warm milk then it should be consumed only one hour after you have eaten your meals.
3) Right time to have milk-
According to ancient beliefs, milk is consumed in the morning. Do not dilute as it causes acidity and gases. Such milk will cause lethargy right in the morning so should be avoided.
Ayurved strongly recommends consuming milk in the evening or at night time is going to help in a much healthier digestion absorption and assimilation and so milk should be consumed in the evening.
4) Some people are allergic to milk-
Then what should be drunk for those who can’t digest milk?
At first, you can consume very little. Boil milk with turmeric powder, and dry ginger powder, and then consume it a little.
If a person is lactose intolerant then a person can have almond milk, soya milk, and even coconut milk. Some may stop drinking milk because of various other reasons, drink milk properly.
Everyone should know, that milk is densely packed with nutrients.
When milk is consumed properly as I have mentioned that it should be diluted. Water should be boiled with ginger, lemongrass, mint leaves, tulsi leaves. That water should be added to the milk.
When a person does all these things, milk can give you lots of benefits. People suffering from orthopedic problems, asthma, and digestive disorders. All such people would be benefited, as it is packed with nutrients.
Do you know that the calcium part of milk is very easily digestible?
People take calcium tablets for calcium. Instead of that take the milk and that would help you to manage all these problems in any case.
Images are taken from google