
An Influential Youth Icon – Saurabh Choudhary

Every parent aspire a dream child, every sister & brother’s  dream brother, every girl’s dream boy. I would like to introduce the one who perfectly fits in all these roles, the man who delivers and justifies all the tasks, roles and responsibilities which life has put forth. Meet Saurabh Choudhary, a man who fits well with aforesaid description.Saurabh choudhary1

A born leader, Advocate, Legal Counselor, Activist, Chess player (FIDE rated) and most importantly a great human being.

Coming from humble background and a small village near Rajim, District Dhamtari, Saurabh cleared CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) and joined HNLU in 2010. Right from his First semester he actively participated in sports and cultural events. Initially due to his country bumpkin persona he was looked down upon by elitist anglicized lobby groups out there. But eventually due to his practical man management skills and tendency to get works done, at all costs, he started to emerge as a Leader, as he became involved with management and administrative machineries of the University and always took the initiative pro bono i.e. for the common welfare of students and University alike.Saurabh choudhary2

In second year he was one of the founding members of  Samanway, which was a free legal and education aid to Uperwara and nearby villages.

In the meanwhile he had won multiple Gold medals in Chess for the University in various Inter University sports events.  Subsequently he even participated FIDE (Federation Internationale Des Eschecs) organized by World Chess Federation.

In late 2012 in his fifth semester he was elected as the Vice President of the Student Bar Association of HNLU, unequivocally.

In September 2013, he participated in Manthan Conclave organized by Citizens for Accountable Governance, where his team proposed ideas on the legal theme of “timely and expeditious Justice to all” in presence of luminaries like Ram Jethamalani, Arun Jaitley and erstwhile PM candidate Narendra Modi.

In late 2013, due to his extensive research and knowledge in Land Laws he was a research associate with Director General of Police on the project “Evolution of Land Laws in Central India”,  which is a reflective case study on the impact of Land Acquisition Bill, 2013.

After graduating from HNLU he founded an organization PAHAL (Pioneering Advancement in Humans & Awareness in Law) which has so far indulged in multiple social and legal awareness campaigns.

He simultaneously started his litigation career, in 2015 under a Senior Advocate. His work in Consumer, Labor and Civil cases started getting recognized and inside a year he started his independent practice as one of the promising young advocates in Raipur.Saurabh choudhary3

In the same year (2016) he cleared CLAT (LL.M) and got admitted in HNLU again. While pursuing his LL.M living in HNLU campus, he shuttled with litigation, social/legal activities of PAHAL group and also prepared for judiciary.

As of now Saurabh has successfully finished his Masters in Law degree, while carrying on with his various roles. Presently he’s associated with Tata Institute of Social Sciences as a Legal Trainer and 181 Women’s Helpline, Govt. of Chhattisgarh, offering legal training to students as well as professionals. The USP of Saurabh Chaudhary is that he’s a Panacea or one stop shop solution for all legal as well as non legal counseling and predominantly is a problem solver.

All at 25 years of age, whatever role life has given to him, he has excelled at it nonchalantly. He aspires to become a Judge and will become one, sooner than later, owing to his relentless perseverance and dedication to struggle and strive to change the environment, for the good, by empowering oneself and others with knowledge and wisdom.

What do you think?

Written by Tathastu Buddy

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