
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

Life is not easy & simple at all. There’s gonna be difficulties. That’s what life is. Do you think you have hope at some point?


Life is not easy & simple at all. There’s gonna be difficulties. That’s what life is. Do you think you have hope at some point?

You’re gonna say this is it. This is how I quit.

You can admit that or you can get to work.
You just begin to solve problems and it doesn’t matter how you get knocked down in life because that’s going to happen.


All that matters is that you got to get up whatever experience you’re having right now. Problems have not come to stay with you, but it has come to pass.

Sometimes you have to just sit and go within yourself and pray, meditate, recharge your batteries.
Clear your head and then get back and look at it from various vantage points.

Don’t allow your emotions to control your Life. You are emotional but you want to begin to discipline your emotion.

If you don’t discipline your emotions they will use you.

Don’t force yourself or motivate yourself to think negatively to be depressed to beat yourself up over the head to feel loaded with guilt.

You don’t have to do any effort. Your mind will do that automatically. say-

I’m not going to let this change me
I’m not going to let this break me


we know the battle ahead gonna get tough. We know we gonna face obstacles. We know it’s gonna be some discomfort. We know they’re gonna try to destroy us.

We know they coming for us. We know that’s gonna happen already so let’s make up in our minds before the battle that we’re gonna be victorious.

Don’t cry to give up, but try to keep going. Don’t cry to quit you already in pain, you already hurt get a reward from it at the end of pain and success, you’re not gonna die because you’re feeling a little pain. You tell yourself I won’t give up.

You tell yourself I won’t give up.

Wake up you are still in the game as long as you’re alive. You can still make it pass as long as you are alive.

What do you think?

Written by Tathastu Buddy

A Public Relations & Lifestyle Services Company providing On-Demand Services for managing your Personal, Professional or Public life.
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