
Sachin Shrivastava : A Journalist who struggled alot

Have done masters in electronic mass communication. Went on a job search in Delhi with little to no money, hoping to get a job

Sachin has done masters in electronic mass communication. Went on a job search in Delhi with little to no money, hoping that any news channel will give him a job with his degree, but even after leaving his CV on every news channel, he got no luck.


Even his money drained in a week or so and so was his hope. When he was left with no money, Sachin left his hotel and started to sleep in the metro station, to save his travelling charges.

Sachin used to buy a meal packet that he consumed for 4-5 days. When he was left with no money, he finally found a job in Gurgaon, with a meagre salary.

Since he wanted no one to find out where he was living, he came the earliest in the office and left the last. He did multiple tasking from making stories to anchoring.

One day, his office head found out about it and offered a guest house for him to live in.

Within a few months, because of him working for 18 hours per day, he got promoted. Gradually, in 3-4 years, his salary reached Rs 70k.


After earning and saving enough money, Sachin decided to go back to his parents, his home town, Raipur. But when he started in Raipur, he was back to low salary.

Once he did a sting operation on a political matter and when that political party got to know about it, they offered him money to not run the story, but he denied it.


On the other side, his channel head took money to stop the story. He resigned the channel the next day and joined another, but these problems existed everywhere. There he started his own company.

They did political campaigns in many states like Delhi, Gujarat, Orrisa, Chhatisgarh and gave a 100% result every time. He then thought to make partners for his company, but after they joined he was having losses because they didn’t work efficiently.

Some even ran away with the money. He then got the idea of investing in advertisements, and the company regained its value.

In January 2021, he is launching his channel. He also wants to reward the people who worked hard in the hard times and didn’t leave the company.

His English teacher is his inspiration, who believed in him. He has also written a book on women empowerment.

We wish such an amazing journalist a very Happy Birthday Sachin!✨

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Written by Tathastu Buddy

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