
A Lady Par Exellence: Sushma Pachouri

Sushma Pachouri 1There is no age bar of learning and to start afresh and Sushma Pachouri is a perfect example of it. Basically a homeopathic doctor and a lecturer ( she has a teaching experience of 12 years ) , she landed up being a nutritionist later on.

After she got married in the year 2004, she tried conceiving but discovered the problem of #PCOS. Got treatment for that, conceived and faced abortion.Sushma Pachouri 2
Then after an year she again conceived but faced retro placental bleeding and many more complications. Doctor advised her to abort the baby or the baby may be born disabled, because of all this she went into depression and her mother-in-law turned to be her biggest support system in this hard time and she finally delivered a healthy baby boy, but by now she had gained a lot of weight and had become 90 kg. As the baby was small she started making small efforts to loose weight at home and in the next 5 years she lost 5 kg.
Sushma Pachouri 3After this, she joint gym and there was no looking back after that. She lost 17 kg in the first 3 months and people started to look up to her as an inspiration and seek advice. This developed her interest in nutrition and she did the #INFS course under squats group and became a mentor.
She has lost almost 35 kgs and has also won a local competition #Fitness_Mania.
She was also #Miss_Decathalon 2016.
She has now been promoted to the standard category in #SQUATS group and is dealing with a lot of clients from all around the country. She is a nutrition guide and a good motivator. She handles complicated cases like patients with #thyroid#PCOD etc and is known to give good results.
Now in her mid 30’s she is living a healthy lifestyle and is everyday motivating others to opt for it.

We wish her all the luck and hope that every woman draws inspiration from her.

What do you think?

Written by Tathastu Buddy

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