Take your Culinary Skills to Advanced Level with celebrity Master Chefs at Vigour&Verve!
Cooking is an art, a life skill! A process right from picking the right ingredients to serving them in a proper and attratctive manner are all the parts of culinary skills. Besides an art or a skill, cooking is also a way of expressing love to our dear ones. Ever thought what makes homemade food so extra-delicious? It is the effort, patience and care poured in by mom along with the ingredients of the recipe that makes it so dear to our hearts . A beautiful combination of skill and love while cooking yummy food and going a step ahead to present the food on the table in an attractive manner also shows one’s dedication and affection, making dining a fine memorable experience.

In this era of globalization, our food habits have also changed. Our taste buds crave for new flavours and going to eat out every time in a fine dine restaurant is not only heavy on pockets but is also not-so-good for health. So knowing how to cook variety of yummylicious food in a healthy manner at home, helps you tickle your taste buds with grand treat at home whenever you want but it also helps you win the hearts of your loved ones and impress the guests visiting your home. Besides, often the responsibility of deciding the menu of parties and even ordering food at restaurants comes on lady of the house, and in that case having a sound knowledge of various cuisines enables you to serve the perfect table for guests and order like a pro in restaurant of any cuisine. And as you know, any art or skill cannot be perfected without practice and proper guidance. Vigour and Verve in its 21-day finishing school programme will invite Master Chefs such as Neeta Mehta, who is a well-known cooking diva, Smita Dugar- Master Chef Season-1, Arpana Kolarkar- Master Chef Season-3 to teach the recipes of wide range of cuisines from basics to international cuisines and bring out the chef in you! For every cuisine, you will have an expert chef to give you detailed insigtful knowledge about the speciality and uniqueness of that cuisine.
Get ready to polish your culinary skills from basics to advanced with Vigour and Verve! Enroll Now!