
Eating Habits – Eat smartly and live Healthier Lifestyle

It is very important to choose a healthy eating habit & healthy food that can improve your metabolism and make you feel fresh and young.



You must have heard that you are what you eat. The food you eat reflects in your body structure, skin, and health.

There are many ways to improve your eating habits by following some simple and easy practices to pick the right types of food. Your choice of food will determine how you will live.

Healthy Food

Here are some simple points to help you improve your diet and food choices.

  • Frying food items are something we just can’t ignore so it is advisable to use olive oil rather than any other oil or butter. It is very light and has less cholesterol. It is very helpful for people suffering from diabetes or blood pressure.
  • Add fish to your diet plan. It is rich in proteins and is a good source of vitamin A, End D, and also has essential Omega 3 fatty acids which are healthy for the brain, eyes, and nerves.
  • It is good to eat chicken with skin and eat broiled, baked, roasted, or grilled chicken instead of a fried one.
  • Eating fresh vegetables and salads, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, etc. is the best choice for a healthy diet plan.
  • Sandwiches or burgers are a good source to eat salads and it is advisable to avoid cheese.
  • Use whole-grain products for bread instead of regular flour. Whole wheat is filled with fiber and helps you increase strength.
  • Eat lots of fruit. They are good, tasty, and healthier. Fresh fruits are helpful for skin and hair
  • Use lemon juices, herb vinegar, or reduced-calorie salad dressings in your salads.
  • While eating Chinese, prefer brown rice instead of white rice. Order a side dish of steamed vegetables, ‘We have one life to live and healthy life is very important for everyone. Ours greatly depend on our habits, so keep your habits healthy
  • In the ‘evening or in the morning go for a walk, do daily exercise, keep your sleeping rituals regular, and drink a lot of, water. Soon you will feel that you are more ‘energetic and healthy than ever.

What do you think?

Written by Tathastu Buddy

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