
Six things to keep in mind, if you are just about to start your fitness journey!

Six things to keep in mind, if you are just about to start your fitness journey!

With growing awareness among masses towards fitness, more and more people are coming forward to invest time, effort and money on their health and fitness. While some are craving for that model-like dream shredded physique, many out there are just focusing on losing weight and being slim. Thanks to the idea of ‘perfect body’ projected by the media, a large number of people are hitting the gym under pressure of achieving that ‘perfect physique’. Well! There is nothing wrong in desiring an attractive physique, but what is needed to be understood that there has to be more than what meets the eye. When you focus on being fit, strong and healthy, great physique and luscious waistline come as by-product of the process. So here are a few things to keep in mind, if you are about to begin your journey towards fitness:-

No Pain No Gain
No Pain No Gain

1) Better late than never

Congratulations! Yes! You are doing a great favour to yourself by choosing to invest in something that will stay with you till the end- Your Own Body! So any feeling of guilt that creeps in while looking into the mirror, any shame you feel about your body, or any lament regarding how should have started early, leave them all behind. Because it is better late than never! Now that you have committed to work on your fitness, focus all your energy in this process of transformation and pay deaf year to the negative world. You have taken the best decision of your life!

2) Exercise because you love your body, not because you hate it

Do it for the right reasons! Yes! Right intentions will take you long way. Instead of putting mind, body and soul to the trauma for how you don’t look a certain way, try and accept yourself for who you are. Your waistline doesn’t decide your worth. Exercise because you love your body, because you love yourself, because you want your body to stay fit as fiddle. Do it because you believe you are good and you have that immense potential to be better, in fact the best version of yourself.

3) Be realistic

No matter how many times you come across those pills claiming to slim you down in a few days, those ‘kaadha’, ‘magical teas’ and even the ‘special camisoles’ that claims to sweat your fat away, remember the simple fact- ‘there’s no shortcut to success’. You have to be realistic! Losing weight, shedding fat and being fit are all scientific processes. So nothing is going to happen overnight magically. No magic wand can transform you instantly. It takes time and effort. So be realistic and set realistic goals to shed weight gradually in a healthy manner.

4) Its not going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it!

Now that you are about to begin, you should know this truth- It is not going to be easy. Yes! There will be days, when you will cry of muscle soreness, there will be days you would want to give-up, there will be time when it will seem really difficult in the initial days! But you know what! Consistency is the key. Instead of shying away from the hard work, or giving up due to pain, push yourself a bit, motivate yourself towards your goal. Remember that this pain today will turn into strength tomorrow. So keep going and keep grinding, you are moving towards your goal with each passing day.

Push Yourself. Don't quit
Push Yourself. Don’t quit

5) Stop comparing yourself to others

Do yourself a favour. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are you. Turn all your insecurities into motivation. Tell yourself that you admire that person doing better than you and one-day you will also reach that fitness-level. There’s no competition or race happening. Every person has a different body type, different stamina and different pace of progress. So respect yourself for who you are, and compete only with yourself. Focus on being better than who you were yesterday.

6) Choose the right way

Yeah Yeah! It is internet era and you have all the information a click away. But the point to be noted it, how do we figure out that out of the thousands of ideas, tips and tricks for weight loss mentioned there on the internet, which one is suitable for us. Instead of losing mind on trying random diets, tips and tricks, chose to invest in professional help. Yes fitness is a lifestyle! a combination of nutrition and exercise. Failing in either of the aspects can deprive you of the desired results. So choose to eat healthy and train right, and do not shy away from seeking professional help if you are confused about where to begin.

What do you think?

Written by Tathastu Buddy

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